Results for "C"

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  Title Copies
Communities, Conservation and the Filipino Environmentalists 
Year: 2009 
Crystal (15th) Anniversary of the Tiananmen Massacre and Sugar (6th) AFAD Anniversary. Quezon City: University of the Philippines, 2004. 
Call No: CP060 
Compendium: Conventions, Agreements and Laws Guaranteeing All Children Equal Right to Quality Education in an Inclusive Setting (Education Sector Response to HIV and AIDS South Asia) 
Year: 2006 
ISBN: 979150072X 
Crystal (15th) Anniversary of the Tiananmen Massacre and Sugar (6th) AFAD Anniversary. Quezon City: University of the Philippines, 2004. 
Call No: CP061 
Compilation of Documents on the Anti-Torture Act of 2007 
Compilation of International and Regional Instruments for the protection of Human Rights Defenders 
Compilation of legal frameworks for national human rights institutions in Asia: the 9th annual training and study session on human rights, October 9-29, 2005, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand 
Conflict Human Rights and Peace Challenges Before Nepal: Rishikesh Shaha Memorial Lectures 2003 
Call No: 954.96 Ad42 2003 
Congo at fifty: a reaffirmation of commitment, 50th anniversary publication 
Constitution of the Federal Union of Burma